Frontier Arts Institute
the return of...
Woodcraft Weekend III
May 24th-26th 2019
Registration is Full!
Please email if you'de like to be on the waitinglist: frontierartsinstitute@gmail.com

The Frontier Arts Institute seeks to promote the practice of fundamental skills that serve both the practical and creative needs of well rounded life. FAI is a meeting ground where the knowledge of such craft can be passed on in a welcoming and focused environment.
Our programs take place on a beautiful and secluded piece of property outside of Covelo Ca. Our "campus" is 50 acres of mixed oak woodlands, above the Middle fork of the Eel river.

Frontier Arts Institute is proud to proud to offer summer field work shops at our forest "campus" outside of Covelo CA. New workshops will be added as they are developed so please check back in

We are excited to announce that Frontier Arts Institute will be hosting the second Annual Wood Craft Weekend May 24th-26th. This will be a three day camping workshop dedicated to shaping wood and hanging out in the woods. The course will include:
-Chainsaw safety & use
-Tree felling & limbing
-Portable milling
-Timber framing with traditional hand tools.
-Axe-personship and Axe Refurbishing
We will be taking a tree from standing and take it through process to come a simple structure.
The course will be held in the mountains outside of Covelo California, above the Middle Fork of the Eel river (amazing swimming!) Participants will camp in a beautifully remote Oak woodland forest, and meals will be provided by our special guest chefs Jenna and Miguel.
Space is limited to 18 participants and will most likely fill up, registration is required.
The Cost is $250 for the whole weekend, meals included, some scholorships and work trades are available, please contact us fir details,
Please help us spread the word about this event and share it with anyone you think might be interested.
Thanks so much for supporting this budding project and feel free to reach out with any questions!

Dylan Flynn, is a blacksmith and Carpenter from Point Reyes Station, he is also the proud owner/operator of a mobile lucas sawmill.
Greg Reeb is a carpenter and surly midwest transplant, who is based out of Oakland CA. His specialties include organic forms and traditional joinery.

Connor Maguire is a collector of skills, Ranging from 90's movie trivia to American Axe History. He is an avid Oldtime Fiddler and occasional New age fibber.

Ari Maiello is a lover of the land and of the trees, and so spends his time working with both. He is a landscaper and tree worker based out of beautiful Arcata CA.

Dennis Baumsteiger is a tree surgeon with a USFS tree climbing certification, he has a passion for wildlife biology and ecological management.
Guest Chefs:

Jenna Nicolas is a Baker and food lover from Pt. Reyes Station.

Michael "Miguel" Kuntz has been playing with food since way back when. A sidewinding path that has taken him from kitchens in Kyoto to crocks full of kimchi. Currently fermenting Thanksgiving stuffing into a soy sauce-like substance.
frontierartsinstitute@gmail.com (415) 484-6316